Wednesday, February 9, 2011

how deep the rabbit hole goes.

"every voice you’ve silenced and every life you’ve taken
recollections from your distant past
the tortured and the dying from a legacy of hatred
are back to echo in your ears screams you thought for sure wouldn’t last

because you can’t kill an idea, I will not be ruled…
you can’t kill and idea and we will not be ruled…

“disrupt misdirect isolate and neutralize”
like the Trudells who burned alive in ‘79
now those enemies of the hour are the focus of this moment
for as long as we are here every voice remains alive

because you can’t kill an idea, I will not be ruled…
you can’t kill an idea and we will not be ruled... by fear

I pledge no allegiance to the flag of the undeniable mistakes of america
which due to plutocracy for which it stands
so many nations and their gods have become invisible
with liberty and justice reserved for a precious chosen few
let our allegiances remain with those betrayed by the façade
for the calm is an illusion

the struggle is not over…it assumes new forms
for no matter what the face, no matter what the name,
it’s still…war"

war by other means - Trial

I posted these lyrics because I feel that they are more important today than they have ever been. I still believe this country to be exceptional in its founding, and the intent involved in that process. However, I am sickened by our government everyday. They ignore the laws in which this country was founded on, most of which limit their size scope and power. Only referring to them when it’s convenient to their cause, often purposefully distorting them.

For the longest time I was fooled by the political class of this country. When your eyes are finally opened, once you've taken that red pill, you wish you could go back, take the blue pill, and have your ignorance returned. You wish that you could stop being haunted by the truth. There is no one politician that can save us. Change means nothing as a campaign slogan, It comes from within ourselves. If we expect some one to do it for us, then we are fools.

I ask if you are reading this that you re-evaluate yourself, as I was logically forced to do. Think of what it is that you truly stand for. Is it individual liberty and freedom? or is it predetermined destinies chosen by a ruling class? Any mixture between the two is just a transition to the later. Will we continue to allow a small percentage of unqualified people in a distant capitol dictate how the rest of us live our lives? I ask you to name 5 things in your daily life that are not, in some way, regulated by government. you can’t? is that freedom?

They pit us against each other with, what are now, near meaningless labels: Republican, Democrat, Liberal, or Conservative. They tell us to pick a side, declare our allegiance,  and help fight the opposition, even if the opposition are those we consider friends. They know, as long as we are busy arguing with each other using the talking points they have laid out for us, the focus will be off of them. They are then free to lie to us, cheat us,  and steal from us. Only later, do they dangle the proverbial carrot, that is rightfully ours, back in-front of our faces as reward for doing their bidding. They ostracise any politicians that don’t play by their rules as idealist, kooks, or even insane. The worst part is: we go along.

I, for one, have had enough. I will no longer choose between the lesser of two evils, for the lesser of two evils is still inherently evil.  I choose to make up my own mind. I will not blindly fallow the platitudes of one political party simply because I voted for them, or chose at one point to affiliate with them. If I vote for you, and you lie to me, I will oppose you. If I make a mistake; I will learn from it. I will take responsibility for my own actions and what ever outcomes they yield. I will not be jealous of those who are more fortunate than me, and I will be as charitable as my time and income allow me to be. I will not fear what I do not understand, instead I will try harder to understand it. This is my pledge of allegiance, my pledge to individuality and freedom. In return I simply request that you, government, leave me alone.


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