This is our site, therefore, you will see our opinions here, most of them placed very soundly on a bed of facts and a foundation of economic principles, all of which we believe to be correct. While we respect your right to have an opinion, we don’t have to respect your opinion. So while we will try to respond to as many rebuttals filled with half baked “ideas” and accusations of us belonging to one political party or the other, we’ll probably ignore a lot of them. If you have read this far and we haven’t pissed you off, hold on; we’ll get there.

The Argument exists to point blame wherever it is deserved, to present a logical counter argument to the bullshit that is presented as "solutions" by both parties, and to expose the lies and corruption that has become the acceptable norm in the American political system. Most importantly The Argument exists to teach and learn. Information is power, it is our responsibility as critical thinking beings to exchange ideas with one another, to teach each other and learn from each other. This concept is what truly frightens those who seek power and that is why so many of their actions seek to divide us into groups and turn us against one another. The Argument is:
Voice: Drew
Producer: Dan 
Editor: Mr. Bill